The day i signed for vertical marathon, the same day I downloaded the plan from internet, and followed it religiously practicing climbing my apartment stairs.
started with 30 floors first week, then 35 after 2 weeks, and in October i climbed 40 floors, but i had to miss following weeks bcoz of my half marathon training, but i was confident i will be able to do 61 floors in my goal time.

The Night before race day i could not sleep, call it excitement or nervousness, i was awake and active at 3.30am, waiting my watch to strike 5.30 so i can start getting ready, i gave up and took shower at 3.40am, and thank to heavens i could take a small nap later,
had a cup of hot coffee. dressed up and out of home at 6am
Picked my race kit and met fellow runners from Bangkok Runners group, I was nervous for I don't know what, I had a GU gel with me, I thought of eating it for a boost, and may be it can help me reach before my goal time. Call it My Big Mistake. I shouldn't have :(
We all lined up at 8am near the start line. the organizers announced that runners will be send in group of 10 by age group.
men were send first and we waited till they announce women 18-39 age group, i lined up with random 9 women at start line and shoot at 3.2.1 Go
we all sprinted till start of staircase and started climbing, i started running up the stairs and oops i felt dizzy, the stairs were steep, and kind of curvy, so different than my apartment stairs, so my training was a waste, as if i was training for A and it was Z.
water was provided after every 2 or 3 floors, i took a cup of water and planned a strategy, forget about training, check stopwatch, take 20 second rest, fast climb 5 floors, 20 sec rest, then fast climb 5 floors again, don't sprint, but climb at fast pace, i didn't feel dizzy, i just followed my strategy, i passed 30 floors-40-50 and after resting at floor 55 for 20 seconds i sprinted till rooftop. i was welcomed with medal, Photographers, cold towel and orange juice. The View was great but a little sunny
I saw my fellow runners and we took some pictures together, i was disappointed with my timings, I took 19 minutes to reach the rooftop and they all took less time than me, one of the fast runner took only 8 minutes, a slow runner like me took 15 minutes, did i fail in my training or my strategy was wrong, they all sprinted till rooftop and i was taking 20 sec breaks every 5 floors, call it first one and i learned a few lessons, there is another vertical marathon coming up in January, will try to do better in that one with proper strategy and planning.

started with 30 floors first week, then 35 after 2 weeks, and in October i climbed 40 floors, but i had to miss following weeks bcoz of my half marathon training, but i was confident i will be able to do 61 floors in my goal time.

The Night before race day i could not sleep, call it excitement or nervousness, i was awake and active at 3.30am, waiting my watch to strike 5.30 so i can start getting ready, i gave up and took shower at 3.40am, and thank to heavens i could take a small nap later,
had a cup of hot coffee. dressed up and out of home at 6am
Picked my race kit and met fellow runners from Bangkok Runners group, I was nervous for I don't know what, I had a GU gel with me, I thought of eating it for a boost, and may be it can help me reach before my goal time. Call it My Big Mistake. I shouldn't have :(
We all lined up at 8am near the start line. the organizers announced that runners will be send in group of 10 by age group.
men were send first and we waited till they announce women 18-39 age group, i lined up with random 9 women at start line and shoot at 3.2.1 Go
we all sprinted till start of staircase and started climbing, i started running up the stairs and oops i felt dizzy, the stairs were steep, and kind of curvy, so different than my apartment stairs, so my training was a waste, as if i was training for A and it was Z.
water was provided after every 2 or 3 floors, i took a cup of water and planned a strategy, forget about training, check stopwatch, take 20 second rest, fast climb 5 floors, 20 sec rest, then fast climb 5 floors again, don't sprint, but climb at fast pace, i didn't feel dizzy, i just followed my strategy, i passed 30 floors-40-50 and after resting at floor 55 for 20 seconds i sprinted till rooftop. i was welcomed with medal, Photographers, cold towel and orange juice. The View was great but a little sunny
I saw my fellow runners and we took some pictures together, i was disappointed with my timings, I took 19 minutes to reach the rooftop and they all took less time than me, one of the fast runner took only 8 minutes, a slow runner like me took 15 minutes, did i fail in my training or my strategy was wrong, they all sprinted till rooftop and i was taking 20 sec breaks every 5 floors, call it first one and i learned a few lessons, there is another vertical marathon coming up in January, will try to do better in that one with proper strategy and planning.

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